Subdividing - Geelong Conveyancing | Land Subdivision
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How do I subdivide my property?

If you are thinking of subdividing your land, our services will help you through the complex legal process of subdivision. We can assist you with the subdividing of your property, which includes all of the legal documents that are required. We will also liaise with your Surveyor and your bank, and then attend the lodgement of the plans. These plans will be lodged at Land Victoria, or online if required. We work closely with your Surveyor who will arrange your plans and approval from the council.

When subdividing, there are many things that we do for you throughout the whole process. Our services extend far and beyond to ensure that all of our work is all that you expect, and more. Step by step, we will take care of every stage on your behalf, making sure that you know exactly what is going on. We will provide you with an estimate of fees, and we prepare documents and deal with the Surveyor to lodge the Plan. We’ll also arrange for the Title to be made available to register the Transfer of Land. Once all of these tasks have been achieved, we will finalise the application. Then we will monitor the status of the whole deal and advise you once registered.

When you consider us for your subdividing needs, there are some things you need to think about first. Below is a list of these things:

  • Zoning. The zone will determine what type of building(s) you can develop on the land that you are subdividing.
  • Boundaries. You will need to know if you want/can build right on the boundary of your land.
  • Drainage. Your site must have its own drainage.
  • Restrictions. Some estates have rules about how your building must ‘look and feel.’ You will need to know if these apply to you in your area.

No job is too small or too big for Geelong Conveyancing. We will complete the job for you even if it is a ‘2 lot’ or a ‘20 lot’ subdivision. So contact us today for all of your subdividing needs!